Wu-Wei and Fellowship

Creating connection through the action that requires no action

4 min readFeb 12, 2021
Photo by Matt Nelson on Unsplash

In traditional Chinese philosophy, there is a concept known as “wu-wei,” or non-interference. Wu-wei, also translated as “the action that does not interfere” or “the action that has no action,” is a Taoist approach to the handling of external affairs and creating powerful, collaborative, and supportive relationships

It is the exact equivalent of laissez-faire, a policy or attitude of letting things take their own course, without interfering. It is a non-action that is active rather than passive. It cannot be achieved through laziness or resignation to circumstance. Rather, it requires a focused and attentive mind and clear consciousness. Through this attentive mind comes tolerance and humility, and an ability to manifest what is needed at any particular moment.

To create a constant state of softness and submission requires a focused appreciation of the slow and gradual and the merging of all things into “One.” We will achieve dominance quickly and abruptly through intellect, seduction, control, and manipulation. Yet, as quickly as this strength arises, so can it decline. An example of this is material wealth. It is not a difficult thing to become quickly poor when one is wealthy. Any radical change of circumstance can affect one’s financial affairs. The goal then, for the student of Tao in cultivating softness and submission, is to avoid falling when one becomes resistant. For in the fall that will ultimately come to one who is focused on being dominant, whether from financial wealth or from power, one may lose one’s spiritual clarity and even one’s life. This is the reason that the great Taoist sages teach that it is best to know contentment. It is best to know that it is wise to stop an action when it has reached its tipping point and is about to reverse direction. This concept is described in entry #58, in the Tao te Ching.

Entry #58: Adaptation to Change

When governing is done with a light hand,

the people live comfortably and behave with honesty.

When the government scrutinizes what citizens do,

the citizenry become shrewd, crafty, and cunning.

When those hungry for power rule,

the cost is high and the benefits small.

When morality is imposed from above,

immorality arises from the people below.

Try to make people happy

and this becomes the root for misery.

Who can know when their end will come?

Who can know what the future holds?

When goodness reverts to become evil,

the confusion of people will last for a long time.

Those of profound wisdom are conscientious, un-abrasive,

illumined, and offer an example without controlling or outshining others.

They have integrity without judging or maligning others,

are direct but not ruthless or tactless,

and are all-powerful while directing nothing.


It is important that those people who are committed to a successful, contented, economically abundant, struggle-free life take a few moments every morning to explore those things that are important to them, an expression of their passion, and then do those things, then live life through wu-wei.

Author: Lewis Harrison is a serial entrepreneur, writer, teacher, public speaker, and seminar leader. He focuses on problem-solving, self-improvement, personal development, and sharing love with the world. He has suffered from depression earlier in his life.

“I am the former host of a talk radio show on an NPR affiliated station in NY. I have a bottomless passion for the application of game theory in decision-making. My game theory/business website is AskLewisGameTheory.com.”

“I am always exploring trends, areas of interest, and solutions to build new stories upon. Again, if you have any ideas you would like me to write about just email me at LewisCoaches@gmail.com”.

The Book: The translation presented here from the Tao te Ching was arranged by Lewis Harrison (the author of this post).

Learn more about this translation and meta-analysis at:


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Written by Lewiscoaches

Book author: Self-Improvement, design, life lesson, AI, travel, health, life, business, politics, love, lifestyle, mental health, entrepreneurism - askLewis.com

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